Bing Xi has been bothered by recurring body pain throughout his lifetime. Having a birth defect at his right hip, he moved around awkwardly. This led to the accumulation of other bodily overuse injuries and pain issues throughout his growing years.
In his quest to overcome his body dysfunctions & pain issues, he tried many different methods, TCM, yoga, massage, physical therapy, pilates, exercise rehabilitation, nervous system reset, use of posture correcting equipment and chiropractic adjustment. Though ALL of these METHODS WORK TO VARYING DEGREES, NONE of them provided sustained relief, bringing him through cyclical ups and downs in his body pain relief.
His quest to overcome his own body pain issues brought him to work as a fitness instructor with his forte in improving structural integrity & thus body pain management. Having people going to him to work on their body pain, Bing Xi felt that he could reduce his clients’ pain issues but not that of his own. Limping around in the gym from time to time where he was supposed to help people get fit and out of pain, he felt a sense of shame and self-loathing in his inability to project the image that he “walk-the-talk” in overcoming his own pain issues.
The combined frustrations from the cyclical ups and downs in his body pain relief with the shame and self-loathing from his inability to “walk-the-talk” led to stress and more tension, which worsened his movement awkwardness and amplified the pain, putting him in a vicious cycle of stress, tension, awkward movement and body pain, defeating what he set out to do.
His progress in ability to overcome his own body pain issue took a turning point when he became open to explore mental/emotional contributors of body pain. This broadened scope of body pain solution was followed by his exposure to a mix of both online and offline materials on uncovering/addressing unresolved emotions and traumatic/repressed past memories. These materials come in different forms, including certification courses, seminars, workshops, programs, research papers and articles, spanning across bioenergy healing, consciousness and psychology. Bing Xi was overjoyed and delighted to finally be able to see sustained body pain relief beyond what he experienced throughout his entire lifetime thus far!!
However, his sustained body pain relief took a downturn when his newfound solution integrating works in both physical and non-physical aspects were met with objections and discouragement from his superior at work who has a medical history record of being diagnosed with psychological health issues and not wanting to be reminded of his shame towards his own past. Bing Xi, despite being unfairly treated and appraised by that superior for a period of time, held on to his full time job as a fitness instructor despite that due to his apprehension against financial uncertainty, causing him much more emotional/mental stress and body pain.
During that period, Bing Xi continued his works on the physical aspects of body pain during his full-time job as a fitness/rehabilitation trainer as usual. Concurrently, he did works on the non-physical aspects outside of his working hours to gain experience in that newly explored terrain. He held himself back from doing any works on the physical aspects to avoid conflict of interests with his full-time work's employer. That was a tough period for him as he felt disjointed between his work life and non work life, was held back from applying the full method integrating works in both physical and non-physical aspects, faced unfair treatment from his superior at work and endured recurring body pain.
By the time Bing Xi finally broke free from his full-time work commitments and unfair treatment, he had already coached more than *1000-1300 clients (at least *500-650 are above 40 years old) over a span of 3-4 years.