Conquer Your Body Pain...
...By Addressing Its ROOTS!!
Does Not Necessitate Physical Touch,
So, Option To Experience Ease At Your Home's Comfy Is Available!!
Better still...
within 180 days
if you are not satisfied with what you get...
**This personal (1-to-1) service has helped many people reduce their ongoing pain greatly with the pain coming back far less often. Some of these people have previously visited other professionals, even specialists. Some, despite being advised to stop/reduce exercise, managed to progress better in their physical endeavors.**

Below shows an overview of some cases.
Fenny experienced recurring knee pain from 3 different scenarios:
1. Sitting down in the office
2. A couple of days after weight training, particularly if she did squats
3. Climbing stairs for building inspections during work

Due to her busy schedule, she could only afford time for video calls rather than live meetups. That happened before the circuit breaker was implemented to curb with Covid.

With just video calls, Fenny no longer experience the recurring knee pain that has bothered her for months. Furthermore, she can progress better on her training, especially for squats, without feeling hindered by the knee tightness.
Wayne gained a lot more than just body pain relief through a mix of offline & online sessions. He started with live meetup sessions slightly prior to the Covid circuit breaker/lockdown period. With the arrival of circuit breaker, the ongoing works moved on to online sessions where he continued to see progress. The full story is shown below.
Latif is a personal trainer whose client experiences cyclical recurring pain. This disrupts his training plans. Fortunately, Latif managed to disrupt his client's recurring pain cycle by referring her to this pain relief service. 
Jes considered other pain relief services prior to this. What made her turn away from those other services is the requirement for her to stop lifting. Not just that this service did not require her to stop training, she was even taught techniques to incorporate into her lifts, which improved.
ACCESS This LIMITED SERVICE That Created Such Life Changing RESULTS!
To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service that has already helped many people reduce their ongoing pain greatly with the pain coming back far less often, including cases of people having previously visited other professionals, even specialists, some even being advised to stop/reduce exercise, yet managed to progress better in their physical endeavors...

...fill in your contacts below & click on the orange button* below!
*Directs you to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.
So, you may have caught a glimpse of some life-changing pain relief results.

But you still have no idea what this "mysterious" service can do or how it can create miracles for you.

"Mysterious" service about to unveil...

So, what exactly is this "mysterious" service all about??
This "mysterious" service brings to you a method that...
...leaves no stone unturned in addressing the possible roots of your problem...
...covers 3 key aspects (structural integrity, bioenergy field & mental/emotional well-being) of body pain...

(see diagram below)
The above Venn diagram shows a graphic representation of 3 key intersecting aspects of health important in addressing body pain.
The wholesome coverage is made possible by integrating principles from 4 different types of authentic & non-invasive body pain relief practices that are valuable individually. Each of them covers different key components of health. An overview is shown below.

1. Physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques covering:

-Training stress management
-Body alignment
-Movement compensation

2. Alternative healing covering:

-Lifestyle stress management
-Bioenergy (energy/lifeforce/chi/qi/prana/etc) healing

3. Meditation & mindfulness practices covering:

-Emotional/mental stress management
-Breathing pattern

4. Emotional counselling & psychology works covering:

-Emotional/mental stress management
-Unresolved emotions & Repressed/traumatic memories
To sum it up...
...this service brings you...
...a revolutionary pain relief method...
∞. Omni Ease From Discomfort's method covering:
  • Lifestyle/training/emotional/mental stress management 
  • ​Breathing pattern
  • Body alignment
  • ​Movement compensation
  • ​Bioenergy (energy/lifeforce/chi/qi/prana/etc) healing
  • ​Unresolved emotions & Repressed/traumatic memories 

All These Value For A Reasonable Investment!

To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service that provides you with integrated benefits from 4 different practices that are already highly beneficial individually... on the orange button* below!
*Directs you to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.
More detailed cases of many people having their ongoing pain greatly reduced with the pain coming back far less often, including those who have previously visited other professionals, even specialists, and even being advised to stop/reduce exercise, yet managed to progress better in their physical endeavors, are listed below!

The results come from a mix of BOTH OFFLINE & ONLINE sesions!!

Amazing Self Realization In Pain Relief Process

Fenny experiences recurring knee pain from 3 different scenarios:
1. Sitting down in the office
2. A couple of days after weight training, particularly if she did squats
3. Climbing stairs for building inspections during work

Due to her busy schedule, she could only afford time for video calls rather than live meetups. That happened before the circuit breaker was implemented to curb with Covid.

Omni Ease From Discomfort was able to help her resolve her pain through guiding her towards addressing her past experiences that still bothered her subconsciously. These experiences, when triggered by the various mentioned scenarios, affected her body (breathing muscles, alignments in the body (jaws/eyes/feet/etc), neuro receptors, overall posture, etc) leading to her being in pain.

Through reconnecting with herself, Fenny no longer experience the recurring knee pain that has bothered her for months. Furthermore, she can progress better on her training, especially for squats, without feeling hindered by the tightness in her knee.

Received Way More Than Just Pain Relief...

Wayne experienced recurring pain, mainly in the knee and foot, that hindered him from doing lower body movements like squats and deadlifts. This is despite having tried many different treatment methods, including TCM, physio, orthopedic, chiropractor, reiki healers and more, which he felt were not exactly addressing the roots of the pain. He spent thousands of dollars and countless hours... Over $6k at the chiro, went to the TCM every day for 10 days, and yet nothing was working.

On top of significantly reducing the pain by addressing the thoughts pattern contributing to his pain being triggered, the simple and practical tips given by Omni Ease From Discomfort to maintain his physical alignment during training allowed him to enjoy lower body movements again.

For those who are bothered by recurring discomfort, feel free to send a PM if you are open to receiving guidance on overcoming your body pain, and even beyond!

Pain Gone & Training Progress No Longer Hindered

Latif is a personal trainer who monitors his clients' training progress closely. One of his clients experiences recurring pain in the hips and lower back region, which made it hard for the client to perform specific exercises. This client had to rely on ongoing therapeutic massages and holistic healing to manage her pain. As a result, Latif often had to substitute those exercises, depending on her pain recurrence cycle. This made Latif feel that his client's training progress is often disrupted.

Fortunately, Latif found a solution that intercepts his client's pain recurrence cycle. As a result, this client is able to go through a training session without any feedback of pain, and thus able to progress more consistently in training without disruption.

What amazes Latif about the solution is the lack of physical manipulation like stretching, massaging or joint maneuvering as feedbacked by his client. The combination of improving breathing pattern, readjusting neuro receptors as well as addressing emotional well-being and thoughts pattern from unresolved past experiences served Latif's client well.

For those who are bothered by recurring discomfort, feel free to send a PM if you are open to receiving guidance on overcoming your body pain, and even beyond!


...he recovered from a badly injured ankle & resumed his manually labourous work in 3 days with medical expenses reimbursed...
Client B (not his full name, but censored to protect his identity) does Grabfood delivery on foot. Due to his reliance on walking instead of tools like motorbike, e-bike or bicycle, his job is manually labourous and require him to be at peak physical health.

Unfortunately, client B met with an accident one day on his way towards collecting a delivery order. He slipped on his left foot against the wet flooring and landed on his right. The unexpected sudden & hard single-leg landing resulted in high stress on the ankle joint, which caused swelling later. He was barely able to walk, much less fulfill deliveries.

Thankfully, Omni Ease From Discomfort was able to help him to not just recover fast but also well. By implementing a mix of advanced manual therapy, soft tissue works and energetic healing, client B's ankle swelling subsided fast. To top that off, personalized ankle strengthening exercises and attention to details in ankle movement quality while walking also helped him to get back to making deliveries soon on a few days later with more confidence than before.

What's even better, amidst working on the physical aspects, Omni Ease From Discomfort also held deep & heartfelt convo that addresses the mental/emotional aspects contributing to this incident. Some of these non-physical aspects include an emotional attachment towards being seen as hardworking together with mental entanglement between working beyond his own limits and being praised for being hardworking from his experience in sports CCA back when he was still schooling. Client B is now better able to resist the urge to overwork himself unnecessarily like he used to but instead, seek out ways to fulfill deliveries efficiently and in ways that are more sustainable for himself.

The best part is that client B, being a Grabfood delivery partner, has his expenses incurred from Omni Ease From Discomfort covered under accidental medical expenses, reimbursable due to auto insurance coverage by Grab.

Results in just one session

Can you believe that recurring discomfort can be eased in just one session?

Griselda experiences tightness & discomfort when she exercises and works out. With just an introductory session at Omni Ease From Discomfort, Bing Xi identified her underused muscles contributing to those feelings of unease. The advice given has helped her to experience joy while she exerts herself to keep herself fit!

Glad that Omni Ease From Discomfort is able to help you, Griselda! Enjoy your exercises! 😄


Jes (not her full name, but shortened to keep her identity private) is a mother of 2 young adults who had a slipped disc 5 years back.

She started her fitness journey in December 2019 and developed a tingling sensation in August 2020. She was told by many different professionals she consulted to stop lifting.

Refusing to give up training, she found a solution end of August 2020 that allowed her to not just continue lifting, but even integrate into her training to progress better, without the discomfort she used to have.

The solution provided by Omniseen Ease From Discomfort includes getting Jes to learn and get familiarized with physical techniques through guided sessions.

Going beyond just the "hard" techniques, in the guided sessions by Omniseen, Jes was encouraged self-observation & self-awareness of possible behavioral & habitual patterns that hinder proper implementation of those techniques. This allows better retention and increases likelihood of following through with applying what she learnt.

May this give hope to people who experiences pain/discomfort or had past injuries but long to stay active. If this sounds like you, feel free to send a PM to receive guidance on your body pain and beyond!


Client B (not his actual name, but censored to protect his identity) experiences recurring knee pain and repetitive hip strain on the right since his teenage years.

Being someone who has been working on both structural alignment for his body pain & works involving deep reflection for his self-improvement separately, he is amazed to find Omni Ease From Discomfort to be able to provide both together in an integrated manner. Under Omni Ease From Discomfort's guidance, he is equipped to manage his immediate body pain by overcoming his structural misalignments while working on resolving his deeply rooted issues contributing to those misalignments & body pain in the first place.

For those who are bothered by recurring discomfort, feel free to send a PM to if you are open to receiving guidance on overcoming your body pain, and even beyond!
To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service that has already helped many people reduce their ongoing pain greatly with the pain coming back far less often, including cases of people having previously visited other professionals, even specialists, some even being advised to stop/reduce exercise, yet managed to progress better in their physical endeavors... on the orange button* below!
*Directs you to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.
The 3 aspects of health important to overcoming body pain are structural integrity, bioenergy field & mental/emotional well-being. These different aspects intersect with one another to reinforce body pain, as represented by the diagram below. 
The above Venn diagram shows a graphic representation of body pain being reinforced. Any one of the 7 regions above would reinforce body pain when unaddressed. 
Addressing the individual aspects separately as though they are independent from one another is the main reason why you do not achieve thorough body pain relief. Your pain either stubbornly remains with you or, if you managed to shake it off, comes back to haunt you every now & then.

For example, physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques, addresses region 1. Such practices revolve around works on the body's structural integrity. This can range from something as simple as massaging/exercising a muscle, or adjusting spines/bones, to something as sophisticated as advanced manual therapy and little known exercises that directly influence the sensory receptors.

Alternative healing facilitates bioenergy flow which directly addresses the bioenergy field, intersecting with structural integrity and mental/emotional well-being as the energy flow dissipates to the mind & body. This addresses regions 3 & 5. The lifestyle stress management like taking certain natural herbs or whole foods helps to improve sleep, heal the body and boost mental alertness, addressing regions 1 & 4.

Meditation & mindfulness practices focus on emotional/mental stress management, which addresses region 7. Breathing pattern regulation also relaxes and restore the body, allowing the body to better receive bioenergy flow, addressing region 2.

Emotional counselling & psychology works on a superficial level provides emotional/mental stress management, addressing region 7. On a deeper level, unresolved emotions and repressed memories are addressed. This breaks people free from their holding patterns of thoughts, feelings and emotions, which results in bioenergy flow, addressing regions 7, 6 & 3.

Since Omni Ease From Discomfort's method integrates principles from all these 4 practices, Omni Ease From Discomfort's method addresses all the regions addressed by each of the 4 practices.

The diagrams below shows how well these 4 practices and Omni Ease From Discomfort's method address body pain through green ticks showing a region being addressed and red crosses showing a region being unaddressed.

Physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques

Alternative healing

Meditation & mindfulness practices

Emotional counselling & psychology works

Physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques

Alternative healing

Meditation & mindfulness practices

Emotional counselling & psychology works

Omni Ease From Discomfort's method

As you can see, this Omni Ease From Discomfort's service, unlike the other practices, covers 3 intersecting aspects (structual integrity, bioenergy flow & mental/emotional well-being) of health important to overcoming body pain, fully. That explains why this service, while it was previously not as developed as it currently is, had helped someone achieve far better body pain relief results more so than the several other methods he had previously tried. He even spent as much as a few grand on one service that did not provide him with relief that lasts. This case was mentioned above. Details shown below once again.

Received Way More Than Just Pain Relief...

Wayne experienced recurring pain, mainly in the knee and foot, that hindered him from doing lower body movements like squats and deadlifts. This is despite having tried many different treatment methods, including TCM, physio, orthopedic, chiropractor, reiki healers and more, which he felt were not exactly addressing the roots of the pain. He spent thousands of dollars and countless hours... Over $6k at the chiro, went to the TCM every day for 10 days, and yet nothing was working.

On top of significantly reducing the pain by addressing the thoughts pattern contributing to his pain being triggered, the simple and practical tips given by Omni Ease From Discomfort to maintain his physical alignment during training allowed him to enjoy lower body movements again.

For those who are bothered by recurring discomfort, feel free to send a PM if you are open to receiving guidance on overcoming your body pain, and even beyond!
To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service that had helped someone reduce his ongoing knee and foot pain greatly with the pain coming back far less often, despite having previously visited other professionals, even specialists and alternative healers, yet managed to get back to squats and deadlifts... on the orange button* below!
*Directs to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.
Below graphic representation shows a breakdown of how Omni Ease From Discomfort's method addresses the 3 intersecting aspects (structural integrity, bioenergy flow & mental/emotional well-being) of health important to overcoming body pain. might be concerned that this service, having such a broad coverage, lacks depth... might be worried that this service is a "jack of all trade, master of none"....

If that is running through your mind now...

Firstly, a reminder that the previous case example of someone who tried many different treatment methods, including physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques (physio, ortho & a few grand on chiro) and alternative healing (10 days of TCM visits in a row & reiki). That at least verifies that this service has sufficient depth in principles from 2 types of practices, physical manipulation & rehabilitation techniques and alternative healing, to value-add to someone who had previously received treatment from the respective practices.

Secondly, take a closer look at this case, mentioned previously, shown below once again. Look at his evaluation of this service and the service provider. His message exchanges with the service provider speaks volumes.


Client B (not his actual name, but censored to protect his identity) experiences recurring knee pain and repetitive hip strain on the right since his teenage years.

Being someone who has been working on both structural alignment for his body pain & works involving deep reflection for his self-improvement separately, he is amazed to find Omni Ease From Discomfort to be able to provide both together in an integrated manner. Under Omni Ease From Discomfort's guidance, he is equipped to manage his immediate body pain by overcoming his structural misalignments while working on resolving his deeply rooted issues contributing to those misalignments & body pain in the first place.

For those who are bothered by recurring discomfort, feel free to send a PM to if you are open to receiving guidance on overcoming your body pain, and even beyond!
To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service that has both breadth and depth, consisting of several components that are each comparable to, even surpasses, those individually provided in the market... on the orange* button below!
*Directs to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.
So, who exactly is going to provide you this service?
He is none other than Bing Xi!
On top of having helped many people achieve life changing results, both lasting body pain relief and improvement in physical performance, through his personal pain relief service, as you would already know by now, Bing Xi had also hosted a pain relief summit where he spoke alongside 3 other experts with decades of experience in the pain relief industry. Some of these experts hold multiple degrees with further studies spanning across subjects such as Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Chiropractic, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pediatrics, Health, Consciousness & Well-being Requirements.
Bing Xi has also empowered people to self-manage their body pain through purely messaging communication. Some of those people had previously either received live meetup treatment sessions from other professionals/specialists but could not get relief, or diagnosed by other professionals to have no concrete solution! Below shows a couple of these amazing results.
Details on how these people achieved self pain management, even those who previously failed to despite having received live meetup treatment sessions by professionals, even specialists, are listed below!


…she achieved pain relieve JUST THROUGH MESSAGES despite having received treatments from other professionals before...
Ras (not her full name, but shortened to keep her identity private) is a grandmother with some issues in the right arm since a year ago.
Despite having gone for treatments by other professionals & taken a break for 9 months, the discomfort sustained and she cannot enjoy carrying her grandchildren. The pain eventually led to migraine attacks on her right side.
After following the advice from a self-help post on the Omniseen Ease From Discomfort Facebook page, carefully selected and pointed out to Ras by the founder of Omniseen upon seeing her messages describing about her pain, Ras reached a point whereby she is no longer bothered by those discomfort.
For those who are experiencing discomfort/pain, feel free to send a pm giving more details. This will allow great advice on achieving pain relief to be given, even if you have already received treatment from other professionals.

Noticeable Improvement From Following Advices On Messages

Client E (not his full name, but shortened to protect his privacy), in his late fifties to early sixties, experienced mild pain is his left hip. The pain, though minute, irritated him daily for months, aggravated by standing up after prolonged sitting on the floor.
Upon seeing his pain symptoms description through messages sent to Omni Ease From Discomfort, our founder carefully selected one of our exercise video posts and directed it to him. This was done along with some personalized advice given to client E.
Upon following the suggested routine, which takes him not more than 5-15 minutes a day, client E experienced noticeable improvement in just one week on his own! The convenience of not needing any equipment and ease of being able to fit what is suggested to him into his daily life allows him to sustain this routine he is on. All these are done without the hassle of him having to make a trip down for treatment or even be on a video call in real time.
For those who are irritated by ongoing body pain but want to save yourself the hassle of setting aside a fixed timing to receive treatment, if you prefer to keep your schedule flexible, feel free to send a PM to explore how you can receive help without having to block out your schedule on your calendar!

Empowered To Self Manage Pain Just Through Messages

Ter (not her full name, but shortened to protect her privacy) is a busy HR executive who works long hours. She developed low back ache that lasted for months shortly after working from home since the Covid lockdown/circuit breaker. The persistent pain became unbearable for her.
Though she considered seeking treatment, her strong sense of duty and commitment towards her work also meant she has limited time to make a trip down to a professional or specialist.
Fortunately, Omni Ease From Discomfort was able to point her towards the right direction in managing her low back discomfort. This is done by directing her to one of our exercise video posts, carefully selected by our founder based on her symptoms as described through messages. Her pain improved upon just trying the exercise once.
For those who are bothered by ongoing body pain, yet do not have the time to make a trip down to seek treatment or even attend a video call from home in real time, do consider sending us a PM to see how we can help you! 😄


...he saw a doctor, was put through an X-ray scan, but did not get a clear solution. Fortunately, he found a solution without even having to make a trip down for treatment...
Client N (not his full name but shortened to protect his identity's privacy) is in his mid 40 and experienced severe pain in the left shoulder, upper back and neck. He was diagnosed by a doctor that his pain issue is caused by degeneration due to age. Not willing to accept the doctor's diagnosis, he sought after treatment from Omni Ease From Discomfort.
Upon knowing about his symptoms through messages, we directed him towards one of our exercises videos that would benefit him in his pain relief. After trying out the exercises on his own, client N was able to reduce his pain to a point that it was no longer severe. With one additional follow-up messages guidance from us, Client N is no longer bothered by his pain. Throughout the process with us, all communication happened purely over messages. This saved him the need to make a trip down to anywhere else for treatment. He didn't even have to set aside a fixed timing for video calls in real time!
Bing Xi's deep insights & unrivalled proficiency in body pain relief, though allowed his clients to achieve results just through messaging communication when other professionals/specialists could not through live meetup sessions, is not enough for everyone. Someone with body pain issues that are more extreme or serious, like those cases mentioned above, has to go through his revolutionary method in full. Thus, he has made this personal service available to cater to people with more extreme/serious issues.
To gain access to this limited personal (1-to-1) service by someone with deep insights & unrivalled proficiency in body pain relief... on the orange* button below!
*Directs to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details. might be wondering how Bing Xi managed to accumulate so much experience to gain such deep insights in body pain relief... might doubt the possibility of anyone reaching such unrivalled proficiency even if his entire lifetime is dedicated to just one industry... is Bing Xi's personal story of what he went through and how he reaches his current level in providing a body pain solution.
Bing Xi has been bothered by recurring body pain throughout his lifetime. Having a birth defect at his right hip, he moved around awkwardly. This led to the accumulation of other bodily overuse injuries and pain issues throughout his growing years

In his quest to overcome his body dysfunctions & pain issues, he tried many different methods, TCM, yoga, massage, physical therapy, pilates, exercise rehabilitation, nervous system reset, use of posture correcting equipment and chiropractic adjustment. Though ALL of these METHODS WORK TO VARYING DEGREES, NONE of them provided sustained relief, bringing him through cyclical ups and downs in his body pain relief. 

His quest to overcome his own body pain issues brought him to work as a fitness instructor with his forte in improving structural integrity & thus body pain management. Having people going to him to work on their body pain, Bing Xi felt that he could reduce his clients’ pain issues but not that of his own. Limping around in the gym from time to time where he was supposed to help people get fit and out of pain, he felt a sense of shame and self-loathing in his inability to project the image that he “walk-the-talk” in overcoming his own pain issues. 

The combined frustrations from the cyclical ups and downs in his body pain relief with the shame and self-loathing from his inability to “walk-the-talk” led to stress and more tension, which worsened his movement awkwardness and amplified the pain, putting him in a vicious cycle of stress, tension, awkward movement and body pain, defeating what he set out to do. 

His progress in ability to overcome his own body pain issue took a turning point when he became open to explore mental/emotional contributors of body pain. This broadened scope of body pain solution was followed by his exposure to a mix of both online and offline materials on uncovering/addressing unresolved emotions and traumatic/repressed past memories. These materials come in different forms, including certification courses, seminars, workshops, programs, research papers and articles, spanning across bioenergy healing, consciousness and psychology. Bing Xi was overjoyed and delighted to finally be able to see sustained body pain relief beyond what he experienced throughout his entire lifetime thus far!!

However, his sustained body pain relief took a downturn when his newfound solution integrating works in both physical and non-physical aspects were met with objections and discouragement from his superior at work who has a medical history record of being diagnosed with psychological health issues and not wanting to be reminded of his shame towards his own past. Bing Xi, despite being unfairly treated and appraised by that superior for a period of time, held on to his full time job as a fitness instructor despite that due to his apprehension against financial uncertainty, causing him much more emotional/mental stress and body pain.

During that period, Bing Xi continued his works on the physical aspects of body pain during his full-time job as a fitness/rehabilitation trainer as usual. Concurrently, he did works on the non-physical aspects outside of his working hours to gain experience in that newly explored terrain. He held himself back from doing any works on the physical aspects to avoid conflict of interests with his full-time work's employer. That was a tough period for him as he felt disjointed between his work life and non work life, was held back from applying the full method integrating works in both physical and non-physical aspects, faced unfair treatment from his superior at work and endured recurring body pain

By the time Bing Xi finally broke free from his full-time work commitments and unfair treatment, he had already coached more than *1000-1300 clients (at least *500-650 are above 40 years old) over a span of 3-4 years.
*Numbers are reserved estimations based on info published by Bing Xi's formal gym employer.
After leaving that gym, he went ahead with what he always wanted, implement the full method of body pain relief. Since then, he has been impacting many lives with lasting body pain relief and improved mental/emotional well-being

Though he had feelings of resentment towards that manager, Bing Xi is well aware that the social stigma of having a psychological health issue medical record stemming from a lack of mental health awareness is the root issue. He thus sees the importance of spreading his work through both education and his wholesome and integrated body pain relief services.

Bing Xi had also learnt to appreciate and embrace his past experiences with body pain, stress, tension, unfair treatment and more body pain. As these experiences allowed him to uncover and create his unique gift to humanity, which he now longs to use to serve people bothered by body pain. He strives towards not letting another being endure the sufferings he personally went through.
To leverage on Bing Xi's experiences gained from his lifetime of suffering from body pain & learning various methods which he used individually and integrally to overcome body pain of his own & others'... on the orange button* below!
*Directs to the sign-up form where you can fill in your contact details.

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Omniseen Pte Ltd  - ©2021 All Rights Reserved